
[1891] 台湾での翻訳出版「図形思考」の反響がボツボツ、、、コメントをつける 削除
2003/2/11 (火) 12:35:42 久恒啓一 / Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

This is James Wei-Yih Wu from Taiwan.  Recently I bought and read oneChineseTranslation copy of your book published by Business Weekly Publication
in Taiwan.
I am highly interested on your theory of thinking by figure andtherefore visit your
personal web site. However, all Japanses content makes me hardlyunderstandingabout your deep thought and also your precious demostration and
Could I ask for your advice that how I can learn more about the
methodology you
promoted via another approach with English or Chinese?
It is highly appreciated to have your kindly consultation and
Best Regards

Mr .  九恒啟一  :
I am an unversity student in Taiwan . Your published book which  translate intoChinese is  help me a lot . I want to know about further information , so i come into you  website . But i don't understand  Japanese any more . Could you help me to understand about  your website .
Best regard


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